Thursday, July 28, 2011

Jeg elsker deg

A few months ago I was commissioned to make an original piece for a very special occasion, a post-wedding garden party. The banner says "jeg elsker deg", a Norwegian way of saying "I love you", but not the kind of love you might have for a parent or friend.

I made the boy, girl, owls, dogs and cupcake out of heavy card stock. The trees are made from cardboard that I painted. The moss I found at a hobby store, along with the berries and shimmery silver string. The banner is textured colorful card stock that I cut.

That first pic is of the finished shadowbox. A few of the pics that follow are 'work in progress' moments. I would send these to the girl, just to make sure I was on the right track. I was always very excited to hear back from her that yes, yes I was. Then I would get back to work on the piece. It was always such an inspired feeling: I was making something special for their wedding party, where their friends would see it, and then it would go in their home. This kind of work is an honor.

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